Here we have Tejas' (last-) Christmas vest, FINALLY finished! I knit it from DK weight on size three needles in the hope that very tight gauge would save it from destruction for a few years. It is all stockinette except the ribbed borders, and it nearly killed me. ;) Especially because it was an extremely fly-by-night pattern, made up by yours truly as I went along. With steeks. There's no going back with steeks. You have no idea how amazed I am that this vest actually looks nice! (Tejas has worn it every chilly day since, thereby ensuring I'll forget the horrors of endless red stockinette and knit him another one.) His thesis defense is tomorrow--everybody wish him good luck!!
Next up we have the collection I sent to Afghans for Afghans:

I saw from their statistics that they got fewer mittens and socks than anything else, so I'll concentrate on making those next time around. And guess what--they had drawings for prizes where you got an entry for everything you sent in, and I WON A PRIZE!! It's the kit for the
Chantal sweater. I'm so excited! :) :) :)
I also FINALLY finished the gloves to go with my under-bike-helmet tam, just in time too--my fingers were getting numb riding to the lab in the mornings. They aren't heavy gloves, but they're just right for bike riding.

WARNING: If you don't want even a glimpse of what might be your Christmas present, don't read beyond this point. I won't identify what's for whom, but since I'm pretty much exclusively knitting Christmas stuff at this point, I am going to show it.
Marrakesh socks:

Monkey socks:
I'm glad you got some things done for A for A. I had intentions, but once Sage arrived I barely finished the gift spa socks from my hand dyed cotton yarn! My Christmas exchange person has listed "fun" socks for an item she would like, so there will be another creation coming! I've been wearing my two pairs of handknit wool socks every day (washing every day too!) and my feet have been so warm in the drafty area at work. I haven't had to fire up the electric heater under my desk yet! So there will be more superwash sock knitting for me!
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