(This is going to be a post in several parts, since Blogger doesn't seem to want to take more than five pictures at a time. And folks, this is our wedding. There are going to be quite a few pictures. :) )
Last Saturday we gathered up the hordes, made sure we had our marriage license, and headed for the temple in Sunnyvale, where we met Tejas' brother and his family. The temple wasn't quite ready yet--they had some sort of concert going on. So we dawdled for a while, then got all dressed up in a room in the back.

Good thing Tejas' mom and sis-in-law were there...I can put on a sari, but it doesn't look very nice. Our sis-in-law is the queen of making saris look really great! (Side note: don't tell my dad-in-law I put a picture of me semi-undressed on the internet, please. :) )
The concert was still going on, so we started in a little storeroom thing in the back. It didn't really fit all of us, and it was extremely hot. Now you know why, from this point on, all the pictures show us all with a gentle sheen of sweat. (It's not just cold feet!) First Tejas' parents asked for blessings.

They decked him out in all sorts of colorful stuff. All of it signifies something, but I'm not altogether sure what. The white beads around his face are supposed to be like ox-horns, since the ox is so important for farmers in India.

Then my parents went through the same thing with me. We were amazed that they actually did it! :)

Finally the concert finished and we got to go out to the main part of the temple (a small stage or dais). My parents had a part with Tejas--reading from my little cheatsheet courtesy the priest here, I see that they're supposed to be honoring and welcoming him.
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