Well, two weeks till the Hindu wedding, anyhow. All Tejas and I have to worry about for that one (besides whether we'll trip on our dhoti and sari) is how much fresh flowers for our garlands will cost, because Tejas' family arranged for fake flowers and we both agreed we'd like real ones. Oh yes, and whether our families will get along or develop violent antipathies at first sight. And I need to alter the salwar kameez Tejas' mom gave me to wear at dinner after the wedding, because the only ready-made Indian dresses that fit me heightwise are XL, and...I am not. It's about two feet too wide for me. But don't get me wrong--I'm extremely grateful that I get to take off the sari before attempting to eat.
And then...there is the Portland wedding. The one for which I feel compelled to craft. And yet, I have sewn a grand total of NOTHING for it yet.
Wedding dress? No way. I'm crazy, but I'm not that crazy. We're wearing the clothes from our engagement:

Wedding hanky? Yes, because both Tejas and I always carry hankies, and besides I think it's a cute old tradition where you make the wedding hanky into a bonnet for the first child's baptism. I'm thinking this is where I will go crazy with the white-and-pastel embroidery and lace and flouncy flowers bit, since we're avoiding that in the rest of the wedding. I'll make Tejas a nice simple one with his initials on it or something.
Ring pillow? I'm highly tempted to attach the rings to my dog's collar and have her bring them, but I think it might be too much for Tejas' family. I wouldn't want them to be too scared about marrying into our family. So I might make a ring pillow. (Our rings--Tejas' folks had some gold coins melted down and made into rings by a local goldsmith. None of them had ever actually seen a wedding ring up close, though. We saw the rings the other day...they are passable except so incredibly shiny you could put on makeup with one if you'd lost your compact. Can you get rings repolished to a different finish? Tejas flat out refuses to wear his.)
Dress to wear after ceremony? I'm going to change out of the fabulous green dress right after the I Do's, partly because it's hot and heavy and scarily fancy and partly because, well, I want to be able to dance and eat and all that. So I need a more normal dress. Unfortunately my wardrobe runs mostly to very casual with a few dressy tangoish things thrown in. I have exactly one dress which I would be willing to wear on this occasion...it is pale blue linen and has a broken zipper and needs to be let out at two of the seams (I made it a couple years ago and it's always been a little too snug for my tastes). It's either this or buy something...The Budget is frowning at me, but I might cave. It depends on how cooperative the sewing machine feels like being.
I should maybe get started.
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