*Yes, I have decided to use DF's name. "DF" sounds stupid and I keep having to go back erase "Tejas" all the time.
I meant to do some destash-knitting of the icky yarns at the bottom of my yarn box, but what did I do instead? Cast on my sister's pretty russet handspun yarn. I am so fickle. Only thing was, what with it being Friday evening late and me tired and sharing a glass of wine with Tejas while watching a movie and casting on midway through the movie...I forgot that I wanted a hat in single rib and did 2x2 rib instead. Ah, cruel fate. I paired the handspun yarn with some old-gold stuff from handpaintedyarn.com since I didn't think I had enough handspun for a ribbed hat. Also, I thought the combo would look nice and autumn-y:
I have a little of the handspun and a lot of the old-gold leftover...I'm thinking of making a plain stockinette hat with them, maybe in a slightly larger gauge so the barberpoling of the handspun shows up better. (I can stare at the barberpoling for hours. I am so easily amused.)
I also knitted on the bobbly baby sweater for my cousin Katie's baby boy (lots of fun cause of the bobbles. Told you I'm easily amused). Here's the back:
I'm not so wild about the grey color, but I like the yarn (cotton/wool blend called "Bomull") pretty well, and they didn't have any brighter colors in superwash. And this was in my stash. (The bobble sweater was going to be knitted for Kabir, but I never got round to it. Like I said, fickle. I reserve the right to be fickle and irresponsible in my knitting.) The sweater is a hoodie thing that looks really cute, and my pattern goes up to a 5-yr-old's sizes! When we have kids (not for a long, LONG time...) I might have to make a new one in every size... :)
And finally, something you don't see just every day, here at The Hobbit Hole: (click for bigger image--sorry, I shrank it while deleting pertinent info)
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